
I initially joined Sigmas looking for a second home and a support system during my Collegiate years. Two years later, I gained so much more than I could ever imagine. I would not be where I am professionally if it wasn’t for the network and connections through this student organization. Not only did Sigmas enhance my professional career, it showed me the path of being my own person and a true leader. I would not be the person I am today without the people I have met through this organization. They constantly push me out of my comfort zone and are my biggest supporters! I am eternally grateful to be part of this evolving and wonderful organization!

- An "Sybella" Nguyen

My initial reason for joining Sigmas was because of our National Philanthropy. I pursued this organization for professional and leadership growth and since joining, I have been able to do so but I have also gained such authentic and genuine relationships which I will always be grateful for. Sigmas has given me such a supportive and empowering experience both professionally and personally. I have been able to pursue my passions and strengthen my values because these are the same goals and beliefs that this organization strives to achieve. Being a part of this syzterhood has also allowed me to find my strengths as well as provide a space where I can continue to grow. I am so glad that I got out of my comfort zone and chose not to believe the negative stereotypes and ideas about sororities because this group is beyond unique. I would not have been able to transform and develop into the strong leader and womxn that I am today without Sigmas and my syzters. <3

- Donna "BLUR" Tran

Since joining Sigmas, I have been able to put myself into multiple leadership positions that I didn’t think i’d ever be able to do. This organization was a great opportunity for me to see my potential and how much further I can go professionally. I am surrounded by people who can and will push me to grow into the person I strive to be. I have made so many great memories and met so many great people through this and it is definitely one of the highlights of my college experience!

- Jenny "Sygnity" Tran

“Having the opportunity to be a part of Sigma Psi Zeta has been one of the best opportunities I have had. There are many stereotypes and assumptions made about greek life in general, so it made me extremely nervous to even come out to recruitment week, but I am glad that I did.

This journey has only been a small part of my life, but I cherish each and every moment of it. The SYZters of Sigma Psi Zeta are the most kind, hardworking and resilient people I have ever met. These individuals push me to become a better person and are the sisters I never had. I know I can count on them every step of the way, whether that is through good times or bad. The lessons I learn through each interaction with SYZters keeps me going each and every day. I am proud to say I wouldn’t be where I am at without the love and support of my SYZters.”

- Amy "AKIRIKO" Nguyen

I joined Sigma Psi Zeta in part due to the significance of its philanthropy. The dedication of each SYZter in fulfilling the Philanthropy and Community Rays is inspiring. Giving back to the community and preserving multicultural values are the hallmarks of a Sigma. I wanted to be a part of an organization that served a cause larger than myself and my interests. With it, I also gained professional skills and a new social circle that encouraged me to be a leader in whatever situation I find myself in. I thought perhaps I wouldn’t fit in because I struggled with making friends in the past, but my new SYZters proved me wrong! I joined a growing culture of womxn who strive for inclusion, love, and respect. Sigma Psi Zeta has given me lifelong connections and invaluable memories. I credit my personal growth and confidence to my experiences as a SYZter. My tips to potential new members are: be yourself, be open to learning, ask questions, and have fun!

- Christal "Infiniaä" Shaner